“Technology and world change” nearly reaches its end. Ten sessions have passed like a blink and now the burden of standing for hours in front of people lecturing is finally transferred from Prof to students. In session 11, which is the today session, and 12, each small group in the class will have a chance to introduce to the rest of the class their research on a particular topic and later substantiate it. And it is a whole new experience to me!
The first group discuss the traditional way businesses function and compare it to E-business. I have to admit that their website is indeed breath-taking. Truly amazing! The layout of the website is as captivating as all the flashy online clothing shopping websites, with all of the fanciful and colourful high-heels and dresses. Cool as it may seem as first, this kind of layout may offend or vex people in some cases in which those people are really seeking for some real online shopping sites. However, my overall impression on the site is pretty high. As regards the presenters, I think they are really well-prepared since all made a nearly flawless and fluent speech. But what I find most interesting is the crux of their presentation – the content. Frankly, as an old-fashioned guy, I prefer the brick and mortar business, which is the conventional type of business, to the online one. Clearly, brick and mortar businesses provide customers a chance to test and check the goods, which is highly valued by buyers at large. There have been several cases in which online shoppers received goods which were far different in terms of quality. Also, it is more credible to hand in your money to the sellers and get the goods at the same. E-business, however fast and convenient it might be, definitely at times errs at it is conducted on-line and the online world, as is all known, is very insecure.
The second group, though only has 4 members, really awed the class with their website and presentation on online dating. Even though their website is not as technically sophisticated and well-designed as the previous group, it is very informative and illustrious. A lot of online-dating sites from various countries are pictured on the website, with the guideline on how each works and so on, which helps to substantiate and exemplify their view. All of the members really succeeded in voicing out their perspectives since their speeches were clearly made and significantly engaging. E-dating? I would say no. Even though it was touted by the group to help singles and loners to find their soul-mate with ease, E-dating was quite superficial I believe and unreliable. Moreover, as an old-schooled guy, I would rather waste ten hours shedding blood and tears to find my other half than spare ten minutes skimming through online dating websites. Not to mention the potential risks of losing personal information or money in these website, which are the problems that have been dissected as nauseum.
For the last two groups, their presentation and websites were pretty detailed and catchy. Still have to hat off for the video of the GM-food group since it’s pretty entertaining and really mirrored the effort of the whole group. Also, our TA was quite valiant as he accepted the petition from that group to try rice in two boxes they brought along to the class to pinpoint which was boxes was containing GM rice. The result is quite foreseeable – He couldn’t tell, the rice from both boxes tasted exactly the same. Regarding GM food, so far there have been 2 groups presenting about this, one of which was the group presenting in this session and the other was mine. Based on what they have done so far, should I group not want to be just a follower of their group, more effort made to better the website as well as the content.
Overall, the first presentation session went quite beyond my expect since all of the presentations were professionally carried out. All so, my knowledge was widened considerably after listening to their presentation. Hence, I would grade this session 9/10.
Links to all the websites:
1. E-business: http://www.wix.com/klgan70/twc-ebusiness
2.E-dating: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/41472439/Finding%20Love%20Online%20Website/Finding_Love_Online/Welcome.html
3.GM food: http://www.wix.com/twcgroupd/supermansdiet
4.Kinetic Tech: http://www.wix.com/jjwses/twc-2011
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